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Turbo Expo Paper Quality Standards

Definitions of Quality Features

Originality is a measure of the creativity or inventiveness of the author. That which has never before been accomplished is obviously original. In the review process, however, originality must be interpreted not only in the sense of a new physical creation, but must include such items as new concepts, techniques, or methods. It describes the work of one whose creativity has given rise to a new concept; it is applicable to the analyst who through the generation of new analytical techniques or through an unusual application of classical techniques, obtains solutions to engineering problems: it describes the inventiveness of an experimentalist in the design, construction, and use of novel and unique equipment to obtain data not previously available. Originality then, is an attribute of the author’s work that is earned by the specific contribution to the appropriate field. Originality is a standard by which the author’s work will be known. The measure of originality of the reported work will be determined by the reviewer and will be based on what is known of past and current developments in the specific field.

The significance of the reported work may be difficult to appraise. What is considered to be of little significance today may be very significant in future years. As we read a manuscript, however, either consciously or unconsciously, we do measure the significance of the material. This evaluation, either subtle or planned, is made in the light of what we know about the subject matter. It is normal to ask the questions,”Why was this work done?’’ and ”What is the significance of the work as it relates to a particular technical field?’’ The reviewer is held to be an expert; it is the reviewer’s responsibility to make a subjective evaluation of the importance or worth of the reported work. The reviewer must judge the merit or value of another’s contribution.

The completeness of the reported work refers to the one-ness or wholeness of the work. In this usage, the reported work should be marked by a unity and continuity of parts and show an interdependence between these parts. As an example, an experimental program would be marked by a concept or phenomenon that was to be investigated; the formulation of an experiment; the design, buildup, and check-out of experimental equipment; the running of the test; the gathering and interpretation of data, and the establishment of conclusions. Each of these parts has a completeness of its own and yet there is an interdependence between them; no part can be missing without destroying, to a certain extent, the integrity of the entire work. The reported work should exhibit a level of accomplishment that comes from thoughtful and scholarly efforts by the author. Completeness is not a concern about the content of the text; it is a rating of the author’s ability to formulate and pursue a technical program at a professional level.

Acknowledgment of the work of others by references is to be expected in a well-prepared technical paper. Such recognition is not merely a courtesy, it is a valued content showing how the current work is related to work already accomplished. The references should be both adequate in number and accurate in content. Such a documentation shows the author’s familiarity with the work of others and also serves as an aid to the reader, who may desire to learn more of the subject being discussed. It is obviously not necessary or appropriate to reference all known works, but a judicious choice of pertinent papers should be given.

The organization of the paper is extremely important if the reader is to understand the work of the author. Ideas are most effectively communicated when there is a carefully planned and logical structure in the manuscript. ASME provides specific criteria on the organization of a paper. Some of these items are outlined briefly below.



Brief, descriptive


Clear indication of object, scope, and results

Body of Paper

Logical organization, purpose, description of problem, means of solution,

results, and conclusions


Recommended symbols used; usually symbols adequately defined; SI

units required


Footnotes if only four or five references; otherwise listed at end of paper


Clear black and white prints of all line drawings, graphs, and photographs. Graphs should be free of all nonessential lines and lettering; coordinate rulings should be limited in number


Should not exceed 12 printed pages (8.5 x 11 or equivalent)


The paper should be well written, conform to recognized standards of literary style, and be readily understandable to engineers in the field of interest of the paper.

Clarity in writing, tables, graphs, and illustrations cannot be overemphasized. A technical article is written to convey ideas to the reader and this end will only be achieved when the author uses the right choice of words, effective sentence structure, correct spelling and punctuation, and paragraphing. The author must also show accuracy and skill in the use of formulae, graphs, and diagrams since these exist to complement the written text. The author should submit all tables, graphs, and illustrations in a form that can be easily interpreted by the reviewer.